Een blog voor alle nazaten van Adriaan en Anna Warmerdam-Waayer, van de boerderij aan de Dorpsringweg in Noordwijkerhout; alle kinderen, kleinkinderen, achterkleinkinderen en achterachterkleinkinderen.

De jongs en deerns hierboven, met hun appelrode wangen, flinke broeken, schoone schortjes, klepperklumpkes en overduidelijke Meelmuizen snoeten, hebben in het weekend van 2, 3 en 4 september 2011 het Witte Kerkje van Noordwijkerhout achtergelaten, om in Kotten bij Winterswijk een werkelijk warm Warmerdam weekend te helpen realiseren.

donderdag 20 oktober 2011

Astrid Warmerdam gaat Sarah zien en wel op a.s. zondag 23 oktober.
Op die zelfde dag mag haar nicht Paulette haar 55ste verjaardag vieren.
Astrid en Paulette van harte !
kus, kus, kus.

woensdag 5 oktober 2011


Caroline stuurde ons het bericht dat zij haar foto's op Flickr heeft gezet.
Ik heb hier links een nieuw gadget geplaatst: Foto's.
Daar vind je een diavoorstelling van dat album.

Maar je kunt haar foto's ook bekijken op:
search: warmerdam reunie 2011
- dan zie je ze gewoon onder elkaar

Dank je wel Caroline !
Leuk Leuk !!

Als je zelf je foto's op Flickr, of iets dergelijks, zet, geef me dat dan door, met de door jouw gekozen titel.
Dan kan ik jouw album ook hiernaast plaatsen.

ingezonden door:
Marx Warmerdam
(penningmeesteraf & amateurblogmasterinwording)

Joanne mailt:

Dear Ber,

Thank you for the picture.  I had to smile at all the hats.  There are some familiar faces - everyone looks incredibly good (health & spirits).  Even Tante Lia wrote about the "great-great event".

I wish I could have been there - I have no doubt it would have been a wonderful time.  Maybe . . . in the future.

If you have any time to spare would it be possible to get a listing of names-to-faces from the picture?

I would like to print off a copy for Andy and Mom.  My mother is moving very slow now and seems to have lost some strength, but her thinking seems to be ok.  Andy still works full time at the post office and any vacations he takes is spent working on the home place/farm.

Big hug and warm wishes to all.

Joanne La Salle Warmerdam

Ber mailt naar USA:

Dear Joanne,

It is now a month ago when we had the family reunion. I can tell you it
was a great party with all the Uncles and Aunts, cousins and second
cousins around. Even the family members that were maybe a bit skeptical
at first admitted they have had a great time and were very pleased they
attended. It truly was a weekend with lots of things to do, in great
spirit and many things to talk and laugh about.
On top of that, we were very happy to have such nice weather during the
weekend to be able to be outdoors in the sun during the days and light a
campfire in the evenings. A great Warmerdam feast.
And reason for a bunch of good memories to take home with you. Even when
family members met each other later on, like I did in the weeks
thereafter, they still spontaneously came back to the reunion as a
shared memory they were very fond of.

As a little memory of this occasion I try to send you the picture we
managed to take with all the family members in it. I wonder how many you

Surely it was mentioned, there are thoughts of doing this again in the
future. So, who knows, we might have an other chance to invite you guys
over for an other 'Warmerdam reunion'.

Take care and give my love to all of the Fresno family members,

ingezonden door: Ber Overkamp
op de foto: Ber en Oom Johan Warmerdam,
zij openden het weekend, als oudste van de 2de en 3de generatie