Een blog voor alle nazaten van Adriaan en Anna Warmerdam-Waayer, van de boerderij aan de Dorpsringweg in Noordwijkerhout; alle kinderen, kleinkinderen, achterkleinkinderen en achterachterkleinkinderen.

De jongs en deerns hierboven, met hun appelrode wangen, flinke broeken, schoone schortjes, klepperklumpkes en overduidelijke Meelmuizen snoeten, hebben in het weekend van 2, 3 en 4 september 2011 het Witte Kerkje van Noordwijkerhout achtergelaten, om in Kotten bij Winterswijk een werkelijk warm Warmerdam weekend te helpen realiseren.

woensdag 5 oktober 2011

Joanne mailt:

Dear Ber,

Thank you for the picture.  I had to smile at all the hats.  There are some familiar faces - everyone looks incredibly good (health & spirits).  Even Tante Lia wrote about the "great-great event".

I wish I could have been there - I have no doubt it would have been a wonderful time.  Maybe . . . in the future.

If you have any time to spare would it be possible to get a listing of names-to-faces from the picture?

I would like to print off a copy for Andy and Mom.  My mother is moving very slow now and seems to have lost some strength, but her thinking seems to be ok.  Andy still works full time at the post office and any vacations he takes is spent working on the home place/farm.

Big hug and warm wishes to all.

Joanne La Salle Warmerdam

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